Sponsoring the PEI Operating Partners Human Capital Forum

We look forward to attending and leading a panel at the fourth annual PEI Human Capital Forum, which brings together an elite crowd of human capital value creators and operating partner talent specialists. It is the place to meet key players in the PE community and get a firm grasp on initiatives designed to transform operations, deliver growth, and drive value creation strategies through talent.

Join our panel discussion

Heads of value creation insights: comparing and building human capital operating partner models

Day 2 | Wednesday, March 26 | 9:30 - 10:10am

This in-depth session, tailored for talent and operating partners, invites the audience to engage in an interactive discussion led by a designated facilitator, exploring the following key questions:

  • How important is the talent function in your overall value creation playbook?
  • How do you define the mandate of a human capital operating partner?
  • Comparing team models: what makes a great talent partner / function?
  • How are you looking to build and potentially expand the talent function now and in the future?
  • How is your value creation team set up? What do you look for in an operating partner that adds value to the team? How are you finding / selecting the right operating partner talent?
  • How do other operating partners work best with talent partners on your team?
  • What are the biggest talent-related pain points at your portcos? What are the biggest talent-related success stories you can share?

The Acertitude Group

Our shared purpose is unleashing human potential. Together, we solve talent needs at all levels of organizations, from the boardroom to the c-suite to middle management teams.


Board, C-level, and senior executive search, assessment, and pre-deal services


  • Business & Professional Services
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Industrial
  • Private Equity
  • Social Impact
  • Technology


Upper and middle management search, assessment, and project recruitment


  • Business & Professional Services
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Industrial
  • Private Equity
  • Social Impact


Upper and middle management search, assessment, and project recruitment


  • Technology
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Private Equity
  • Professional & IT Services

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